Stay or Go? Big Decision For Several Clemson Players in Regards to NFL… What We Are Hearing

Miami, Fl

With today’s announcement that Davis Allen will be entering the 2023 NFL Draft. It was a no brainer the topic was gonna come up in the defensive player one on one Q&A’s. And it was not long before several players hinted about their potential plans for their futures post Orange Bowl.

KJ Henry was the ring leader of a bevy of “hints and teases” saying that its “100% it could be a possibility” was part of his answer to the idea of Tyler Davis, Ruke Ororoho and Bryan Bresee potentially returning for another year in Tiger Town. Citing the uptick in the offense and a lot of players on that side of the ball returning and the potential for a big season in 2023.

To add to that during his one on one interviews on this day, Tyler Davis mentioned KJ was definitely pushing along with others for a return to Tigertown. Davis says he and Ruke have discussed this and consider themselves a “package deal”.

Bresee played it off and moved all expectations in his regard to post season, as he stood pat on the position that he has not considered the move yet and is focused on the Volunteeer’s and Fridays big game inside Hard Rock Stadium.

Stay tuned to CSN as we continue to follow all the big news coming out of Miami and Clemson.

One Comment

  • Glad they understand the importance of one more uear to learn and play before trying to push themselves into one of the most crowded Fields in America , The Pro-Football Playing Time. One year is very important if they stay Healthy amd the odds are very good that they will… life being a Tiger is Hard to beat, too. Especially on a Great Team…


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